Prosecutor supervision

Prosecutor's supervision: a course of lectures: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the direction 030900 "Jurisprudence": scientific specialties 12.00.09 "Criminal process, criminalistics, operational-search activity", 12.00.11 "Judicial power, prosecutor's supervision, organization law enforcement activities "/ [N. V. Grigoriev, etc.]; edited by Doctor of Law, Professor A. V. Endoltseva, Doctor of Law, Professor O. V. Khimicheva. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 277, [2] p. ; 21 cm. -
The authors are listed on the back of the title page.
The bibliography at the end of the articles and in the footnotes. - ISBN 978-5-238-02180-5 .
I. Grigorieva, Natalia Vladimirovna (lawyer). II. Endoltseva, Alla Vasilievna (Doctor of Legal Sciences). III. Khimicheva, Olga Viktorovna. Right (collection). 2. Procuratorial supervision - Russian Federation - Educational editions for higher educational institutions.
ББК 67.721я73-2
Source of the electronic copy: National Library Resource
ISBN 978-5-238-02180-5
Publisher ЮНИТИ-ДАНА
Catalogue object

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