Working question in the system of socio-economic representations of Russian conservatives in the late XIX-early XX century

Ryazanov, Sergey Mikhailovich (candidate of historical sciences).    
Working question in the system of socio-economic representations of Russian conservatives in the late XIX-early XX century: the author's abstract of the thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 "Patriotic History" / Ryazanov Sergey Mikhailovich; [Perm State University]. - Izhevsk, 2010. -23 p. ; 21 cm. -
Location of protection: Udmurt. state. un-t. - Bibliography: p. 23 (7th name) and in the footnote. - As a manuscript.
. -100 copies. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. The Russian state and economy (collection). 4. Russian history. 5. Conservatism - Russia - the con. 19-beg. 20 centuries. - Abstracts of Dissertations.
BBK 63.3 (2) 5-72y031
BBK 66.1 (2) 53-17y031
BBK 66.1 (2) 522-17y031
Source of the electronic copy: UdSU. Website
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