Revolutionary legitimacy. - Moscow: Legal Protection, 1926 |
1926, No. 7/8. - 1926. - On with. 1 date: March 22. Contents: sections: Regular problems of Soviet law; Criminal law; Labor law; Family law and agriculture; Law and banks; Behind the Soviet border is international legal life; Soviet defense and legal advisers; Legislative activity of the USSR; The legal life of the USSR; Chronicle; Criticism and bibliography; articles: On the issue of class justice / A. Trainin. About subsidiary enterprises / P. Lebedev. Responsibility of the state for the debts of enterprises that do not have a registered charter / S. Mintz. Commission agreement in departmental explanations / M. Fradkin. Guarantee on the wages of workers and employees from the contractor / A. Lipets. Draft Family Code and Agriculture / A. Ladyzhensky. Cash desks / K. Schreiber. Mutual responsibility of bill-holders / A. Ratner. On the issue of Soviet state-owned enterprises in international turnover / A. Shvartsman. On the legal standing of citizens of the USSR in France / M. [and others]
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Right - USSR - Collections. 4. International law - History - USSR - Collections. 5. Legislation - the USSR - Collections. 6. Legal journals - the USSR. |
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