Religious and secular speech-behavioral tactics of the call to good in the Russian language and culture of the second half of th...

Perezhogina, Olga Vladimirovna (Candidate of Philology).    
Religious and secular speech-behavioral tactics of the call to good in the Russian language and culture of the second half of the XX century: (contrastive approach): the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of the scientific degree of Candidate of Philology: specialty 10.02.01 / Perezhogina Olga Vladimirovna; [Kazan. (Privolzh.) Feder. un-t]. - Kazan, 2013. - 18 with. -
Location of protection: Kazan. (Privolzh.) Feder. un-t. - Bibliography: c. 17-18 (7th name) and in the footnote. note
1. Russian language (collection). 2. Russian language. 3. Communicative linguistics - Abstracts of dissertations. 4. The picture of the world (lingv.) - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Language and Culture - Abstracts of dissertations.
ББК 81.003я031
ББК 81.006я031
ББК 81.411.2-55я031
Source of electronic copy: KFU. Website
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