Restaurants, taverns, teahouses ...

Demidenko, Yuliya Borisovna    
Restaurants, taverns, teahouses ...: from the history of public catering in St. Petersburg XVIII - early XX century / Julia Demidenko. - Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf; St. Petersburg: Russian troika-St. Petersburg, 2011. - 285, [2] p. : ill., Port., Fax. ; 21 cm. - (All about St. Petersburg). -
List of references: p. 274-275 and in the notes: p. 262-273. - Pointer institutions: с. 276-279. - Index of names: p. 280-286.
. - 2500 copies. - ISBN 978-5-227-03013-9 .
1. Territory (collection). 2. St. Petersburg: pages of history (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, city (collection). 4. Public catering - History - St. Petersburg, the city - 18 - 20 centuries .. 5. Restaurants - History - St. Petersburg, city.
ББК 65.431-03 (2)
ББК 63.3 (2-2Спб) 52-2
Source of the electronic copy: National Library Resource
ISBN 978-5-227-03013-9
Publisher Центрполиграф Русская тройка-СПб
Catalogue object

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