Description |
Russian antiquities: a monthly historical edition. - D.1-49. - St. Petersburg, 1870-1918
1. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Russian language (collection). 4. Russia - History - until 1917 - Periodicals. 5. Historical journals - Russia - 19-20 centuries. |
ББК 63.3 (2) я52
G. 27 1896, Vol. 87, book. 7-9, July-September. - A type. Highest utv. T-va "Public benefit", 1896. - 674, [5] p. : ill. - Contents: Book. 7: Emperor Nicholas I in 1828-1829: (from the notes of Count A. Kh. Benckendorff). Ch. 2: (graduated). Russia and England in Turkey in 1877-1878. 2. Book. VA Cherkasky and civil administration in Bulgaria. 1877-1878 years. Ch. 17 / [cit.] DG Anuchina. Zukovsky's own letters to DP Severin: (1830-1833 gg.). The founding of the Russian fleet: a historical essay / [op.] Dm. Tsvetaeva, [and others]; Book. 8: Book. VA Cherkasky and civil administration in Bulgaria. 1877-1878: (graduated) / [op.] DG Anuchina. Dukhobors, their teaching, organization and present position. 1-2. Russia and England in Turkey in 1877-1878. Ch. 3. A page from modern history. Two letters from the era of the Eastern War of 1853-1856. / [op.] A. Girs. Emperor Alexander I and gr. Armfeld 1811-1812 years. Ch. 4-6, [and others]; Book. 9: The struggle of academicians with the director S. G. Domashnev / [ac.] Acad. K. S. Veselovsky. The Dukhobors, their doctrine, organization and the present situation: (graduated) / [op.] M. Tebenkova. Countess Anna Orlova-Chesmenskaya and Archimandrite Photius. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky / [op.] Iv. Lipaeva. From the family chronicle / [op.] Lev Pavlishchev, [and others]. - Bibliograf. decree. book. and art. by Russian. history, published in 1896: with. 227-230, 451-455. - Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - Библиогр. leaflet: with. 2-3 obl. - Contents 87 volumes for 1896, July-September at the end of the book.
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