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Russian peasants. A life. Gen. Нравы: materials of the "Ethnographic Bureau" of Prince VN Tenishev / The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ethnographic Museum; [scientific editors: DA Baranov, AV Konovalov, Candidates of Historical Sciences]. - St. Petersburg: Business Polygraphy, 2004-. - 30 cm
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I. Baranov, Dmitry Alexandrovich (candidate of historical sciences). II. Konovalov, A. V. (Candidate of Historical Sciences). III. Tenishev (St. Petersburg). IV. The Russian Ethnographic Museum (St. Petersburg) .1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. The peasantry - Life and customs - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries. - Documents and materials. |
BBC 63.3 (2) -282.2 BBK 63.529 (2) -73
Source of electronic copy: ПБ Location of original retention: ПБ |
T. 6: Kursk, Moscow, Olonets, Pskov, St. Petersburg and Tula provinces. - 2008. - 599 p. : ill., maps., tab. - Contains also: Kursk Gubernia: S. 13-48 (scans 17-51); Kursk province in the photographs of the late XIX - early XX century: S. 485-488 (scans 484-487). - Comments and Indices: p. 517-599.
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1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Kursk region (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Moscow region (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Leningrad region (collection). 6. Territory of Russia: Pskov region (collection). 7. Territory of Russia: Tula region (collection). 8. Territory of Russia: Vologda region (collection). 9. The peasantry - Life and customs - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries. - Documents and materials. 10. Kursk province - Documents and materials. 11. Moscow Province - Documents and materials. 12. Olonets Gubernia - Documents and materials. 13. Pskov Gubernia - Documents and materials. 14. St. Petersburg Province - Documents and materials. 15. Tula Province - Documents and Materials. |
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-282.2 BBK 63.529 (2)
Source of electronic copy: ПБ Location of original retention: ПБ |