Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. T. 120. Papers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Empress Anna Ioannovna ...

      Russian Historical Society.
Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. - St. Petersburg, 1867-1916. -
The publication was resumed in 1999
The title: 1867-1873 Collection of the Russian Historical Society.
Place of publication: Vol. 111, 114, 117, 120, 124, 126, 130, 138 Yuriev; 137, 142 Moscow.
Contents of the published volumes of the Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. T. 1-148 (1916. T. 148. S. I-X, last p.) .
1. Russia - History - 15 - 19 centuries. - Periodicals.
ББК 63.3 (2) 4я54
Т. 120: Papers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Empress Anna Ioannovna 1731-1740. / collected and published under the editorship of AN Filippov, an ordinary professor at Moscow University. T. 7, (1738) (January - June). - Yuryev: Printing house of K. Mattisen, 1905. - XXXIV, 536 p. -
Alphabetical index of names: with. 515-536. - A copy of the RSL with a stamp: The former A. Deryagin library. Moscow against the arena .
I. Filippov, Alexander Nikitich (lawyer, 1853-1927). II. Russia. The Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty. Anna Ivanovna (Empress of Russia, 1693 - 1740) - Documents and materials. 2. Russia. His Imperial Majesty's Cabinet - Documents and Materials. 3. Power (collection). 4. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 5. Russia - Politics and Management - 18th c. - Documents and materials.
ББК 63.3 (2) 512я54
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher типография К. Маттисена
Catalogue object