Collection of services to selected saints and holidays

Collection of services to selected saints and holidays: [for January - April]. - Electron. text dan. (424 files: 216 MB). - (Petrozavodsk: National Library of the Republic of Karelia, 2008). - 424 files (209 h.): Color. -
Electronic copy of the original, stored in the National Library of the Republic of Karelia: Collection of services to selected saints and holidays: [manuscript]. [B. m.: XVI century.]. 209 liters. 4 ° (21.5 x 15.8 cm). Binding: boards in the skin with embossed roadman (a simple pattern in the form of a lattice). The ligature in the headers. Cinnabar in headings and initials. Inv. № 1170675 р. The electronic version of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia is available on the website. Access mode:
Contents: sheet 1: Service for circumcision of the Lord and Basil the Great, 1 January. The beginning is lost, the text has been preserved with the words "... [You preached the Euangelius tsarism, Basil, the Orthodoxy of the Church exacerbating the teachings, they are now enlightened ..."; leaf 15: "The month of that [2] pre-liberty is enlightening [nor] me. The memory of the eldest in the holy father of our Silivrest, the Pope of Rome. " Start: "Evening. On "Lord's Checks" we will put verse 6, we will learn the stichera of the forefathers ... "; sheet 25: "Months of Genvary 6 holy Epiphany of the Lord our God Jesus Christ." Beginning: "On the" Lord of the Crows "we will put verse 8 stichera self-explanatory ..."; sheet 48: "Month of the same 7 Cathedral of St. John the Baptist". Start: "Evening. Not a poetologist [im]. On "Lord's Checks" we will put verse 6 and read stichera praz [nick] 3 ... "; sheet 57: Service to Theodosius the Great, 11 January. The beginning is lost, the text with the words "... he is one hundred Jesus in place is equal ..."; page 65: "The month of that same remembrance was also in the holy father of our Sava, the archbishop of Serbia, who was past." Beginning: "At the Great Evening [no]" Blessed is the man "...". There are no sheets between sheets 73 and 74 (only a fragment of the lost sheet survived), 85 and 86, 87 and 88; sheet 89: "The month of that 16 worship of the honest priests of Peter and Paul (sic!)" (scribe's mistake: Paul is not mentioned in the title). Start: "Evening. On "God's Will" we will put verse 6 and poim ... "and other works.
Manuscript of the 16th century. (watermark: a jug). Type of letter: semi-body. - The materials of the site of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia are used. For a complete description, see "Manuscript Books" ( .
1. National Library of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, city) - Collection of manuscripts. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Russian language (collection). 4. Divine service books Orthodox Russian. 5. Russian manuscripts - 16th century ..
ББК 86.372ю19я01
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
Catalogue object