The Northern Sea Route

The Northern Sea Route: statistical materials relating to the Northern Sea Route, navigation of expeditions, from the XVI century to the present and digital data on export and import cargo in recent times / comp. as acknowledged by the Manager of the Sea. back-adm. VM Smirnova, according to materials collected. Direction of lighthouses and lunches North. Mor. path, ed. Hulls of hydrographers. DF Kotelnikov in 1919 - Omsk: the publication of the Naval Ministry, 1919. - 40 p. : tab. -
On the tit. l. and obl.: Sources that served to compile statistical materials: 1) The Northern Sea Route / A. P. Bilkitsky; 2) Ice of the Arctic Ocean / Lesgaft; 3) The need to open a port-franco in the mouths of the river. Ob and the Yenisei / A. A. Dunin-Gorkaich; 4) Izv. Imp. geogr. Islands for 1904 year, issue. 1-2 about the expedition of Baron Toll and AV Kolchak; 5) Izv. Imp. geogr. Islands for the year 1914, issue. 3 and 4 - expedition Brusilov.
I. Smirnov, V.M. II. Kotelnikov, D. F. .. III. Russia. Maritime Ministry. Territory (collection). 2. Development of the Arctic (collection). 3. Northern Sea Route - Development - History - Statistical Materials.
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BBK 63.3 (2) -201y3
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Publisher издание Морского министерства
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