The Northern Sea Route and the Kara expeditions

Sibirtsev, N.    
The Northern Sea Route and the Kara expeditions / N. Sibirtsev and V. Itin; with pre. and ed. Director of Science-Issled. Institute of Economics of the North BV Lavrov. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Regional Publishing House, 1936. - 229, [2] p., [24] inc. l. yl. : graph., maps., plan. ; 23. -
Ordinance. Names: with. 228-230.
I. Itin, Vivian Azaryevich (1894-1938). II. Lavrov, Boris Vasilyevich (1886-1942) .1. Territory (collection). 2. Development of the Arctic (collection). 3. Kara expeditions - 1920 - 1934. 4. The Northern Sea Route - Expeditions - History.
ББК 26.89 (912) л8
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Publisher Западно-Сибирское краевое издательство
Catalogue object