The Northern Sea Route from Europe to the mouths of the Ob and the Yenisei, its economic significance for Siberia, and the degre...

Rybin, Sergey Alexandrovich    
The Northern Sea Route from Europe to the mouths of the Ob and the Yenisei, its economic significance for Siberia and the degree of use at present: with a map and three diagrams / comp. SA Rybin; Ed. deputy before. Com. Sev. Mor. the way F. A. Scholz. - Novonikolaevsk: [б. and.], 1924. - 89, II p., [4] l. kart. and diag. : ill. ; 26. -
Bibliography: p. 89.
I. Scholz, FA (19-20 century). II. Committee of the Northern Sea Route. Territory (collection). 2. Development of the Arctic (collection). 3. Northern Sea Route - Development - early. 20 in ..
BBK 26.89 (912)
BBK 63.3 (2) 614-201
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Publisher [б. и.]
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