Semantico-etymological interpretation of the subject-everyday vocabulary of the second half of the 18th century. (on the basis o...

  Gauch, Oksana Nikolaevna  (Candidate of Philology).    
Semantico-etymological interpretation of the subject-everyday vocabulary of the second half of the 18th century. (on the material of TFATO): the dissertation author's abstract on the competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Philology: specialty 10.02.01 / Gauch Oksana Nikolaevna; [Tyumen State University]. - Tyumen, 2009. - 20 seconds. ; 21 cm. -
Bibliography: page 19-20 (8 titles) .
1. Russian language (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. The Russian language. 4. Russian language - Historical semantics - Abstracts of dissertations. 5. Russian language - Writing monuments - Tobolsk province - Abstracts of dissertations.
ББК 81.2Рус.я031
Source of the electronic copy: Tyumen State University. Site
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