At the request of the inspector of the Mysovsky food store of the Irkutsk District Intendant Administration, Lieutenant A. I. Wi...

Identifier 223618a9bcaf43e5bc705eab239edba9
Title At the request of the inspector of the Mysovsky food store of the Irkutsk District Intendant Administration, Lieutenant A. I. Winter, who was convicted of abuse of office during the Russo-Japanese War - about reconsidering his case
Dates 1907

Оригинальный заголовок дела: По прошениям поручика Александра Винтера

Машинописный текст

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1276 / 3 / 973
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1907
Extent 53 листа
Fonds The Council of Ministers (1905-1917)
Display format