Identifier | 223618a9bcaf43e5bc705eab239edba9 |
Title | At the request of the inspector of the Mysovsky food store of the Irkutsk District Intendant Administration, Lieutenant A. I. Winter, who was convicted of abuse of office during the Russo-Japanese War - about reconsidering his case |
Dates | 1907 |
Notes | Оригинальный заголовок дела: По прошениям поручика Александра Винтера Машинописный текст |
Text language | Русский |
Level | Case |
Call number | РГИА. 1276 / 3 / 973 |
Cataloguing source | РГИА |
Series | 1907 |
Extent | 53 листа |
Fonds | The Council of Ministers (1905-1917) |
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