Social problems of children with disabilities in modern Russia

  Potapova, Olga Nikolaevna      
Social problems of children with disabilities in modern Russia: (regional aspect): the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the Candidate of Sociological Sciences: specialty 22.00.03 / Potapova Olga Nikolaevna; [Saratov State University named after NG Chernyshevsky]. - Saratov, 2007. - 18 with. ; 21 cm. -
List of references: p. 18 (8 titles). - 100 copies. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Children with disabilities - Social adaptation - Sociological research - Abstracts of dissertations. 3. Economic sociology and demography.
ББК 60.542.5я031
Source of the electronic copy: SSU. Site
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