The Union of October 17. 1905-1914 years.

Identifier f4f5c9af-1101-4b3b-a368-b9ec413285f1
Title The Union of October 17. 1905-1914 years.
Dates 1905
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number ГА РФ. 115 / 2
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Extent 53 единицы хранения
Creator "Союз 17 октября"(октябристы)
Fonds The Union of October 17
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 1. Materials for the preparation of the address Nicholas II on behalf of members of the IV State Duma
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 10. Letters, statements by different persons in the Central Committee "Union on October 17" with a request for admission to members of the Union, sending party publications
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 11. Materials of the Central Committee of the Union on October 17: Proclamations and brochures of the publication of the Party of Octobrists, manuscripts of leaflets and brochures with editorial amendments [on issues: about the program and charter "Union on October 17", agriculture among workers and peasants, agricultural issue, etc.]
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 12. Protocols Meeting of the Members of the Union on October 17 in November 1913 (discussion of the political situation in Russia after elections in the IV State Duma), the situation in the Duma, the activities of the Tsarh government, the tactics of the party, and so on (with the application of the resolution
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 13. Correspondence of the Bureau of the Duma faction of the "Union of October 17" with the organs of the city and zemstvo administration to collect information on spending money to help families of servicemen drafted into the army during the Russo-Japanese Wa
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 14. Reports, reports, reports of local organizations "Union on October 17" on the course of the election campaign and the results of elections to the State Duma I and II conveners, the selection of delegates for the II All-Russian Congress "Union on October 17"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 15. Materials of the II All-Russian Congress "Union October 17", Protocols on issues: On the Policy of the Party in the State Duma, conducting an election campaign, the activities of local organizations, attitude to other parties, etc.;program of work Congress, Communication
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 16. Reports, abstracts of delegates who spent on the III All-Russian Congress of the Union on October 17, on public education, local self-government, land, judicial reform, work, etc.;draft resolutions, sections:
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 17. Protocols III of the All-Russian Congress "Union on October 17", held in October 1909, on issues: organization of activity of the party, discussing the political situation in the country, folk education, local self-government, the work, land
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 18. Materials of the III of the All-Russian Congress "Union on October 17", held in October 1909: Resolution on Financial and Economic Issues, Projects on Personal Protection, Local Self-Government, Drunkenness, Lists of Delegates,
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 19. Lists of members of the committees and chairmen of local departments "Union October 17"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 2. Correspondence of the Bureau of the Duma Fraction "Union on October 17" with the Central Committee, local organizations, on organizational issues, on draft laws presented in the Duma, amendments to them (on the approval of the state budget, allocations for the content of the police, social
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 20. The lists of the members of the "Union of October 17" faction in the State Duma, "comprised in three or more commissions," a list of Russian provinces in which there were no local branches of the Octobrists party or only one department
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 21. The materials of the Central Committee of the Union of October 17, the Bureau of the Duma faction, etc., correspondence with local organizations on organizational matters, the situation on the ground, discussion of bills, party activities during election campaigns, collection of information on the results of elections
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 22. Circulars and correspondence of the Petersburg Central Committee "Union of October 17" with local organizations on organizational matters, holding meetings of the Central Committee, the "United Committee of Constitutional Parties, Meetings," the conduct of the election campaign for the elections to the State
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 23. Lists of members of the Moscow Central Committee "Union of October 17", "German group", local party committees, electors and candidates for electors from the Octobrists and correspondence on organizational matters, the conduct of the election campaign for
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 24. Correspondence of the Moscow and Petersburg Central Committee "Union of October 17," the Central Bureau, etc. on organizational issues, organization of the election campaign for elections to the State Duma, distribution of party publications, organization of meetings, activities
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 24. Correspondence of the Secretary of the Central Committee and the Bureau of the Duma Fraction "Union on October 17" with the editors of the newspaper "Voice of Moscow", about the distribution of newspapers, mailing, its subscribers, financial issues
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 25. Letter and telegram of the Bryansk branch of the "Union of October 17" to the St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union on the organization of the department, the number of members, the composition of the Bureau, organizational matters
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 26. Correspondence of the Petersburg Central Committee "Union of October 17" with the Warsaw branch of the Union on the organization of the department, its program, activities, the composition of governing bodies
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 27. Letters from the chairman of the Velizh branch, Vitebsk province, the "Union of October 17" to the Petersburg Central Committee "Union of October 17" on the organization of the department, the choice of governing bodies, organizational issues, the distribution of party publications
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 28. A telegram [of the chairman] of the Vologda branch of the "Union of October 17" to the St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union on the results of elections to the State Duma in the city. Vologda
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 29. Letters of the Temporary Committee of the Union of October 17 in the city of Gadyach, Poltava province, in St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union about the organization of the Committee, the choice of governing bodies, the activities of the Department, with the application of proclamation: "Appeal to the voters from ZemS
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 3. Protocols of the Bureau of the Duma faction "Union on October 17" on issues: On the draft laws submitted to the Duma (about the state budget, the reform of the Senate "exceptional position", the order of election of the Zemskiy vowels, etc.) preparation of the Congress of the Union,
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 30. Telegrams of the chairman of the committee of the branch of the "Union of October 17" in the city. Kirsanov, Tambov Gubernia, on the organization of the department, the choice of governing bodies, the number of members, holding a general meeting
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 31. Correspondence of the St. Petersburg Central Committee "Union on October 17" From the Bureau "of the Bessarabskaya Party" Center "in Chisinau Bessarabian province. Committee of the Bessarabian Union, on issues of the organization of the department, the choice of governing bodies, etc.
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 32. A telegram from Kirillov, Novgorod province that a letter, telegram or a package addressed to Baratynsky was not delivered
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 33. Letter and telegram of the Council of Tula "Union" For Tsar and Order "to the Petersburg Central Committee of the Union on October 17" about joining the Octobrists Party, the results of the elections to the State Duma in Tula
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 34. Letters and Telegrams of the Chairman of the Committee of the Union of October 17 in the city of Old Russ Novgorod province in the St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union on the formation of the department, the choice of management, the activities of the Department, the distribution of publications of the party, the results of the elections in
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 35. Letter of Chairman of the Department of the Union on October 17 in the city of Staritsa, Tver Province in the Central Committee of the Union of Education of the Department
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 36. Letter of Chairman of the Committee "Union October 17" in the mountains.Uglich, Yaroslavl province, in St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union on the Education Committee, its members, activities
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 37. Correspondence of the St. Petersburg Central Committee "Union on October 17" with the Bureau of the Duma faction, local organizations, individuals, etc. on organizational issues, the activities of local organizations, the dissemination of party publication, conducting the election campaign, ito
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 38. Minutes of the meetings of the Committee of the German Group "Union of October 17", the status of the group, the provision on the procedure for holding elections, the list of members of the Central Committee
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 39. List of candidates for the State Duma from the voters of the first curia
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 4. Magazines and protocols of meetings of members of the faction "Union on October 17 in the IV State Duma on issues: on the election of the chairman of the Duma, members of the Presidium and the composition of the Commissions, members of the Bureau of the faction, discussion of bills (on the payment of complaints by the clergy, Nar
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 40. Materials of the Budget Commission for the Parliamentary Fraction "Union October 17", members of the members, agenda, draft protocols, meetings
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 41. Cash reports, estimates, invoices, receipts, statements on cash costs for the office of the Duma faction "Union October 17"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 42. Letters of Obdinsky V. A., Secretary of the Central Committee "Union on October 17" K. E. Lindeman, V. Tatarinova and others to Lercha G. G., Comrade Chairman of the Central Committee of the "Union October 17" On the organization of the All-Russian Congress of Okabristov November 7, 1
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 43. Materials meeting of members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union on October 17, held in St. Petersburg on November 7-10, 1913: a meeting program, a meeting of the meeting on November 8, draft decisions on the issue of the present political moment, draft resolutions, lists of participants
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 44. The letters of members of the Union on October 17, elected delegates to the Congress of the Okabristov on November 7, 1913, to Chairman of the Committee "Union ..." Guccov A. I., about the agreement to arrive at the meeting
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 45. The amendments made by the "Union of October 17" faction on the bill on primary collections, the "Opinion" of the Minister of Justice on the Treaty Court (excerpts from speech in the State Duma October 30, 1909)
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 46. Note by Comrade Chairman of the State Council Lerhe GG on articles 57 and 58 of the Provisions on Elections to the City Council of the Union of October 17
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 47. Cuts from newspapers: "New Time", "Rus", "Speech", "Russian True", "Comrade", "Russian Vedomosti", "Word", "Country", "Penza Vedomosti", "Mogilev Vedomosti", "Petersburg Vedomosti "," Nikolaev newspaper "," Center "," Rada "," Russia "," Telegraph "
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 48. Leaflet "All-Russia Congress of the Union October 17. February 8-12, 1906 in Moscow"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 49. Inventory Inventory No. 2 of the Foundation for Foundation "Union October 17"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 5. Letter of the Chairman of the Kerch branch of the party "Brotherhood" Freedom and Order "and Chairman of the Kerch Committee" Union October 17 "in the Central Committee on Accession to the Union of the named party and the results of elections to the State Duma
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 50. The brochure "The Union Appeal of October 17": "The Highest Manifesto of October 17 ..."
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 51. Brochure "Resolutions adopted by the first congress of delegates of the Department of the Union on October 17 and Parties, to him who joined him"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 52. Invitation of the Prechistan Committee "Union on October 17" for the general meeting of the members of the department
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 53. Flying of the city council "Union October 17": "The gracious sovereign! Between 15 and 25 of October of this year, the election of members of the State Duma in St. Petersburg will come true"
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 6. Letters of the Chairman of the Kaluga Committee "Union on October 17" and members of the Committee in the St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union about the organization in Kaluga branch of the party (Kaluga party "for the king and order"), a party program
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 7. Letters of the Kashirskiy branch "Union on October 17" in the St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union on the organization of separation of the choice of governing bodies, their composition, the results of elections to the State Duma
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 8. A context letter of one of the members of the Kazan Committee "Union on October 17" in the Central Committee of the Union with the application of 4 proclamations and brochures of the Publication of the Kazan "Party of Manifesto on October 17, publishing announcements in Kazan newspaper" Update "
ГА РФ. 115 / 2 / 9. Letters of the Chairman of the Bureau of the Committee "Union October 17" in the mountains.Glukhove, Chernihiv province, in St. Petersburg Central Committee of the Union about the organization of the Committee, the choice of its governing bodies, the results of elections to the State Duma
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