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The list of settlements and the administrative division of Tobolsk district, the Ural region: on October 1, 1926 / edited by the Organizational Department of the Tobolryspolcom. - The edition is official. - Tobolsk: edition of the Orgodtdel of the Regional Council, 1926. - XVI, 95, [1] p. - Alphabetical index: from. 82-95. - There is a stamp of the Yakut National Library. . - 600 copies.
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I. Tobolsk District Executive Committee of the Soviets. Organizational department.1. Territory (collection). 2. Human settlements - the Tobolsk District (the Ural Region). |
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Ура) 531-1я1 ББК 26.89 (2Рос-4Ура) я1
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen 'ONB Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ |