A reference book on the Tver diocese .... for 1915

A reference book on the Tver diocese ... - Tver: Tver spiritual consistory, 1914- .
I. Tver spiritual consistory. Tver Diocese - Directories.
ББК 63.3 (28-8Тве) 533-37я23
For the year 1915. - Typical lithography of MV Blinov. - 464, 90 sec. ; 26 cm. -
Contents: Alphabetical index of persons of the Tver diocese mentioned in this reference book.
1. The Tver Diocese - 1915 - Directories. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Tver region: pages of history (collection).
ББК 63.3 (28-8Тве) 533-37я23
An electronic copy source: Tverskaya OUNB
An Original Storage Location: Тверская ОУНБ
Publisher Тверская духовная консистория
Catalogue object