Author Добротворский Н.А. Description Dobrotvorsky, N.A. Reference explanatory dictionary / Comp. ON. Dobrotvorskiy. - 3rd ed., Increased and corrected. - Moscow: "People's bb" VN. Marakueva, 1894. - 62 p. ; 18. - Author. in the book. not specified . 1. Russian language (collection). 2. Russian language - Explanatory dictionaries. ББК 81.411.2-420 Electronic copy source: PB Location on the original: ГПИБ Publisher "Нар. б-ка" В.Н. Маракуева Catalogue object Языкознание Collections Russian Language → History and system of the Russian language → The Russian language dictionaries → Collection of Russian (East-Slavonic) and church Slavonic dictionaries → Explanatory dictionaries → Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language → Other dictionaries → Reference explanatory dictionary. 1894