Secrets of the House of Crew

Stuart, Campbell    
Secrets of the House of Crew: Eng. propaganda in the world war of 1914-1918. K. Stewart; Trans. Ed. and with an intro. Art. F. Blumenthal. - Moscow; Leningrad: Gos. publishing house. Otd. military. Literature, 1928. - 125 p. -
Add. tit. l. in English.
Bibliogr. in a substring. Notes. - Ex: from the rukop. litter.
. - 3000 copies. .
I. Blumenthal, F. 1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. The First World War (collection). 4. World War I - Propaganda and propaganda - Great Britain - 1914 - 1918.
ББК 63.3 (4Вел) 532
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher Гос. изд-во. Отд. воен. литературы
Catalogue object