Slavnitsky, Nikolai Ravilevich
(Candidate of Historical Sciences).
Tactics of the actions of Russian garrisons in the defense of fortresses of the North-West, 1704-1707. [Text: electronic resource] / Slavnitsky N. R. - Electronic data (12 files: 12.9 MB). - (St. Petersburg: Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2013). - Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library. The title from the screen. The original resource is published in the electronic periodical: History of the military: research and sources (http://www.milhist.info/ ). T. 3: October 2012 - March 2013. - 2012-2013. - P. 370-380. - Bibliography: с. 378-380. The article deals with tactical techniques used by the commanding officers KA Naryshkin and RV Bruce in the defense of Ingermanland and Livland from Swedish troops
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. The Northern War - Military operations - 1700 - 1721. |
BBC 63.3 (2) 511-68
Source of the electronic copy: Ed. journal. "History of the military affairs: research and sources" Original storage: Ed. journal. "History of military affairs: research and sources"