Galieva, Guzel Ilgizovna
(Candidate of Sociological Sciences).
Tatar family in the demographic dimension: (ethno-regional aspect): dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sociological Sciences: specialty 22.00.03 : protected 23.04.2010 / Galieva Guzel Ilgizovna; State institution "Research Center for Family and Demography" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. - Kazan, 2010. - 215 with. : tab. - List of references: p. 147-163 (185 titles) and in the footnotes
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Economic sociology and demography. 4. Family and marriage - Tatarstan, Republic - Theses. 5. Tatars - Demographic research - Theses. |
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