Identifier d4fc7d8a-c747-493d-bc71-2d1e60bcaedd Title 1830-1839 Dates 1830 Text language Русский Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1152 / 2 Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина Extent 1663 eдиницы xранения Creator Россия. Департамент государственной экономии Fonds Department of State Economy of the State Council Contents О рассмотрении представлений ведомств об ассигновании им средств на осуществление законопроектов, касающихся развития всех отраслей экономики и науки за 1830-1839 гг. (годы заведения дел) File РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 1. The case of the privileges of the Major Major Veshnyakov on the car invented by the car called "Androfor or Horse Sunrise" РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 10. The case of the rules for managing the buildings of the Fair Court in Nizhny Novgorod and the States for the Nizhny Novgorod Construction and Fair Office РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 104. The Case of the Responsibilities and Responsibilities of the Officials of the Control of the Synodal Office РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 105. The case of the establishment on the border of Prussia in the town of Taurogene customs class I and the state of this РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 11. The case of entering into the estimate of the St. Petersburg City Council for 1837 25.524 rubles. following in remuneration of the owners for the property, departing under the continuation of the Bolshoi Prospect of the Petersburg part to the new Tuchkov bridge РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 11. Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA) РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 11. The case of collecting on the device bridge in the city of Tula РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 111. The case of the rules for the construction of small houses on small size bridges in St. Petersburg РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 111. The case of the privilege of the merchant Brant and clerk Klokov on the arrangement of fisheries and trade relations with North Asia in the Arctic Sea РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 114. The case of Zemstvo obligations in the province of Tula on the 3rd anniversary of 1832 РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 114. The case on the release of the lower seats of the Synodal Department from the obligation to deliver to the Department of Spiritual Affairs of the Greco-Russian Confession a monthly statement of staffing amounts РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 116. The case of building flushcout for St. Isaac’s and St. Petersburg bridges and the preparation of reserve capital for this future time РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 119. The case of the privileges of the Armory Master Bertrand on the firearms of the new device invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 121. The case of the privileges of the mechanics of the way invented by the Menzulus РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 123. The case of the privilege of the merchant side of the car for the unwinding and suction of silk РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 128. The case of the privilege of the Prussian subject of Werner for the apparatus invented by him, to dissolve and evaporate liquids РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 133. The case of the establishment of separate management for the Berdyansk port and the Nogai villages.N. 26/XI - 1834;V.U.4/II - 1835, 1834 РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 144. The case of extending the deadline for this secretary of the University of Derptier of privileges to contain a shipping company between cities: Riga, Libava, Stettin, Lyubeck and Island Rugen РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 145. The case of the privilege of Adutant General Schilder to the preparation of waterproof tissues РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 15. The case of the privilege of the merchant is aless for cooking in Russia invented artificial legs РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 164. Case of the privileges of the shoemaker Master Emmerman on the way to prepare varnished leather РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 18. The case of the privilege of Manufactory-advisor to Gaiten on the machines of paper invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 18. The case of the projects of the Prussian subject of Swederae regarding the insurance of lifelong revenues and capital РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 190. The case of the owners of remuneration for property, departing under the continuation of the Big Avenue to the new Tuchkov bridge РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 192. The case of the merger of the Control Office with the Economic Committee, which consists at the Holy Synod РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 193. The case of the privilege of Chemist Schriszbahu on the way of producing sugar from beets invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 2. The case of income and expenses in the city of Samara Simbirsk province РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 26. The case of the organization of the police and the schedule of income and expenses of the city of Tula РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 26. The case for the approval of the Regulations on the permanent forest guard of the Ministry of Finance РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 28. The case of the privileges of the Colonel Foku on the way of smelting iron ore invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 29. The case of the privileges of Kappelmeyster Ivankov, on the flaghel-horn invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 29. The case of the transformation of the former Irkutsk navigation school to a geodetic school.N. 13/III;V.U.23/v.1835 РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 30. The case of the privileges of the mechanics of Merkulov on the smoke-fighting or fire-coat oven invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 32. The case of an additional zemstvo gathering on the Nizhny Novgorod province for the maintenance of mail horses РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 42. The Case of the Establishment of a School of Mezheviki at the Forest Institute РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 43. The case of the privilege of the adjutant General Schilder on ferry steamers РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 44. The case of the privilege of emancles Boylchev on the car invented by the car to do the brick РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 45. The case of the privileges of Adutant General to Schilder to the icebreaking mechanism adapted to the steamers РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 5. The case of the privilege of the secret adviser to the Muravyev at the new way of production of sugar РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 57. The case of the establishment of customs outposts in the cities of Rostov and Berdyansk.N.15/VI;V.U.20/IX.1835 РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 61. The case of the privileges of the mechanics Augustus at the camera invented cameras-obscura РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 62 а). The case of the acceleration timing of the Council of State of the State Treasury Department reports РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 69. The case of the privilege of the superior adviser to Polnera to the preparation of dry yeast РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 7. The case of the privilege of the manufactory-adviser Kozhevnikov and the Prussian citizen Shifts for improvement in card machines РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 7. The case of the privilege of the Prussian citizen of Carolina Eichler to prepare artificial legs РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 71. The privilege of the prince Volkonsky to prepare an artificial gum РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 75. The case of the privilege of the merchant Mulelekin on the firmly invented machine РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 75. The case of the establishment, by the Lowland District, of ship forests of a forest guard from military ranks РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 76. The case of the reporting rules for the department of the Holy Synod and the establishment of a control unit in the Department of Spiritual Affairs of the Greek-Russian Confession РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 78. The case of the Melzer's privilege on the steam boiler invented РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 81. The case of volost schools for state settlements.N. 26/IX;V. u.24/XII;1830 РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 84. The case of the privilege of the Riga Society of shareholders, the establishment of a steamboat message between Lyubec, Riga and Libava РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 85. The Case of the Settled Forest Guard РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 95. The case on the project to transform the Navigatsky School former in Irkutsk at the Geodetic School.N. 28/VI;V.U.29/XII;1834 РГИА. 1152 / 2 / 98. On the extension of some of the rules of the province forests testimony issued for Olonets province РГИА. 1152 / 2 / Д.1. The case of drafting reporting rules for the department of the Holy Synod РГИА. 1152 / 2 / Д.66. The case of the privileges of the merchant son Peter Liventartov on the way of cooking foil invented them Display format Archival description RUSMARC