Tikhvin Assumption Monastery. Fragment of the plan of 1679 Compiled by I. Zelenin and P. Evstafiev

Tikhvin Assumption Monastery. Fragment of the plan in 1679 Compiled by I. Zelenin and P. Evstafiev: photographic reproduction. - [The scale is unknown]. - The beginning of the twentieth century. - Photo printing, black and white. -
The inscriptions on the plan are written in cursive.
Electronic reproduction (1 file, 300 dpi, JPEG, 3.3 MB).
Photo reproduction of the plan of the Tikhvin Mother of God Uspensky Monastery in 1679, compiled on behalf of the government of Veliky Novgorod nobleman Ivan Zelenin and scribe Pyotr Evstafiev in connection with the difficult affair between two Tikhvin monasteries - Assumption male and Vvedensky maiden. The plan is made without instrumental shooting and without scale. It is quite accurate on the plan depicts the monastery and various wooden buildings of the village. Drawings of buildings reflect the actual appearance of buildings. The materials of the article are used: Ivanova IA Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God and its connection with the "Tale of the Miracles of the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God" // Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature / Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). 1966. T. XXII. Pp. 419-436. .
I. Zelenin, Ivan. II. Evgrafov, Peter. Tikhvin Mother of God Assumption Monastery - Maps. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Leningrad Region (collection). 4. Leningrad region: pages of history (collection). 5. Tikhvin, city (Leningrad region) - History - 17th c. - Maps.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Nov) 45-37y64
BBK 86.372.24-647 (28-8Nov) I64
Electronic copy source: Tikhvin Diocese
Location on map of the original: Tikhvin Diocese
Catalogue object