Comrades! "In recent days, Russian society has spread the news about treason in the center of the government, about military esp...

    St. Petersburg Higher Women's Courses.
Comrades! "In recent days, Russian society has spread the news about treason in the center of the government, about military espionage among members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Justice ...": [leaflet]. - [Petrograd: b. and., 1915]. - 1 liter. -
At the end of the leaflet: signature: S.-D. and s.r. groups of higher education. courses.
Written by hand. Ed. on a hectograph. - Text on one side of the sheet .
1. RSDLP - Agitation and propaganda - Leaflets. 2. The First World War (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Power (collection). 5. World War I - Agitation and propaganda - Russia - 1914 - 1918 - Leaflets.
BBC 63.3 (2) 534-68ju18
ББК 63.3 (2) 534-542ю18
An electronic copy source: PB
An original storage location: GOPB
Publisher б. и.
Catalogue object