Traditional education of children in Komi culture of the second half of XIX - first third of XX centuries

  Slepchin, Nadezhda Ekhielovna      
Traditional education of children in Komi culture of the second half of XIX - first third of XX centuries: the dissertation ... The candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.07 / Slepchina Nadezhda Ekhielovna; The Urals. from the RAS Komi Nauch. center of the Institute of Language, lit. and history. - Syktyvkar, 2005. - 202 p. : ill. -
Bibliography: p. 164-177 and in the footnote. note. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology. 4. Children - Education on national traditions - Komi, Republic - Theses.
BBC 63.521 (= 664) -53y031
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