Uvarov, Mikhail Grigorievich. Medal "For the defense of Moscow"

Uvarov, Mikhail Grigorievich. Medal "For the defense of Moscow": [photo]. - Electronic data (2 files, 300 dpi, JPEG, 7.8 MB). - St. Petersburg: Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2015. -
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In the photo: Medal "For the Defense of Moscow" by Uvarov Mikhail Grigorievich. The medal is a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm, made of brass. On the front side of the medal: the Kremlin wall, against which is depicted a tank T-34 with a group of fighters. In the left part of the medal - an image of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, in the right part - the tower. Above the Kremlin wall is a dome of the Government building with a flag, on the flag - sickle and hammer, over the dome - silhouettes of aircraft. In the upper part of the medal on the circumference there is an inscription "FOR THE DEFENSE OF MOSCOW". In the lower part - along the circumference of the laurel wreath, at the lower ends of the branches is a five-pointed star. The front side of the coin is bordered by a convex rim. On the reverse side of the coin: the inscription "FOR OUR SOVIET HERITAGE". Above the inscription are a sickle and a hammer. All inscriptions and images on the medal are convex. The medal with the ear and ring is connected with a pentagonal shoe, covered with silk moire ribbon. On the tape are three longitudinal olive strips and two red strips, the edges of the tape are edged with narrow red stripes. Location: From private collection .
I. Uvarov, Mikhail Grigorievich (1900-1984) .1. Uvarov, Mikhail Grigorievich (1900-1984) - Documents and materials. 2. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 3. "For the Defense of Moscow", medal - Documents and materials. 4. The Great Patriotic War - Heroes and heroism - 1941 - 1945 - Documents and materials.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622ю1
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
Publisher Президентская библиотека имени Б. Н. Ельцина
Catalogue object
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