Finogenov, Vasily Semenovich. Participant in the battles for the liberation of the capital of Hungary - the city of Budapest

Finogenov, Vasily Semenovich. To the participant of battles for the liberation of the capital of Hungary - the city of Budapest: [thanks to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief]. - 1945. - 8 p. ; 14,7х10,5 cm. -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
On the 1st s .: Order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to the Commander of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, Marshal of the Soviet Union Malinovsky Chief of Staff of the Front, Colonel General Zakharov, Commander of the 3rd Ukrainian Front Marshal of the Soviet Union Tolbukhin, Chief of Staff of the Front, Lieutenant-General Ivanov. 1945 year. At the end of the text: Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union J. Stalin. February 13, 1945 № 277.
Electronic version (8 files, 300 dpi, JPEG, 13.5 MB).
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Gratitude of the Supreme Commander to the participant of battles for the liberation of the capital of Hungary - the city Budapest Guards Lieutenant-Colonel Finogenov Vasily Semenovich, declared by the Order of the Supreme Commander in Chief of February 13, 1945 No. 277. On the second s .: seal and handwritten signature of the commander of the military unit field mail No. 34403 of the Guard of Colonel Prokopovich .
I. Finogenov, Vasily Semenovich (1902-1984) .1. Finogenov, Vasily Semenovich (1902-1984) - Documents and materials. 2. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 3. The Budapest operation - 1944 - 1945 - Documents and materials.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622ю1
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
Catalogue object