Drawing of the Kremlin towers and walls from the side of the river. Moscow, existing and destroyed by the enemy in 1812.

Drawing of the Kremlin towers and walls from the side of the river. Moscow, existing and destroyed by the enemy in 1812 [Case]: the plan, the facade: [no later than 1815]: a copy. - [no later than 1815]. - 1 l .. - (Fund-collection Plans and drawings of civil architecture, Inventory No. 2, Kaluga - Olonets Gubernia 1750 - 1887 gg.). -
Orig. headline: Kremlin tower and walls from the river. Moscow, with the indication of the places destroyed by the enemy in 1812. Plans, facades. Cc: 1815
Orig. headline: Kremlin towers and walls existing and destroyed by the enemy in 1812 from the side of the Moscow River. The facade, the plan of the distance of walls and towers: 1815.
On the region. Fund: Moscow - Moscow Gubernia.
Content: The plan and facade of the distance from Moscow Kremlin walls and the tower of existing and destroyed by the enemy. 1: 336, 4 soot. in 1 English. inch. Paper, ink, watercolor. 45x180 .
1. Patriotic War of 1812 (collection). 2. The Patriotic War - Moscow, the city - 1812 - Documents and materials. 3. The Kremlin (Moscow, city) - Architecture - Drawings.
BBK 63.3 (2) 521.1-686y11
ББК 85.113 (2) ю11
Electronic copy source: RGIA
Location on map of the original: RGIA F. 1488 Op. 2 D. 793
Catalogue object