Evolution of regional political elites in the post-Soviet period

  Kryanev, Boris Petrovich      
Evolution of regional political elites in the post-Soviet period: (on materials of the Republic of Buryatia) / B. P. Kryanev, V. M. Ochirova; Feder. agency for education, Buryat. state. un-t. - Ulan-Ude: Publishing house of the Buryat State University, 2009. - 139 p. : ill., Table. ; 21. -
On the 4th p. reg. Authors: Kryanev BP - Cand.Sc., Assoc., Cand. the worker of culture of Russia, Ochirova V. M. - k.polit.n.
Res. in English.
Bibliography: p. 116-129 (211 names). - ISBN 978-5-9793-0155-6 .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Political elite - Buryatia, Republic.
ББК 66.041.121
ББК 63.3 (2Рос.Бур) 64-3
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Buryatia
Location on
bulletins: НБ Респ. Buryatia
ISBN 978-5-9793-0155-6
Publisher Изд-во Бурятского госуниверситета
Catalogue object

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