Emelyanova, Maria Ivanovna (candidate of historical sciences).
Evolution of Russian folk clothes of the Oskol Region: (second half of the XIXth century and the beginning of the 20th century): dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences: specialty 07.00.02 "Patriotic History": protected 12.09.2007 / Emelyanova Maria Ivanovna; Federal Agency for Education, Starooskolsky Technological Institute (branch) of the federal state educational institution of higher professional education "State Technological University" Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys ". - Kursk, 2007. - 321 p. : Photos. Fig. - List of references: p. 240-289
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1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Patriotic history. 4. Costume Russian - Starooskolsky district (Belgorod region) - 19 - 20 centuries. - Theses. |
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