[Decree on the Establishment of the Berg-Collegium for Mineral Ore and Mineral Affairs]

      Russia. The Emperor (1682-1725, Peter I)  
[Decree on the Establishment of the Berg-Collegium for conducting cases on ores and minerals in this case]. - [Sankt-Petersburg], 4 Sept. 1721 [t. after 1762]. - 7, [1] p. ; 2 ° (33 cm). - On with. 5 exits. Date: Published in St. Petersburg September 4, 1721. - The text begins with the words: By God's mercy we Peter the First Tsar and the Autocrat of All-Russia ... - Contents: The decree on bringing for the trial of approx. 4 or 5 pounds of ore. - St. Petersburg, Feb. 19. 1720 (on page 6); The decree prohibiting obstruction of ore prospectors. - [M.], 13 November. 1722 (on page 7). .
1. Russia. Berg-collegium - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. Highest ordinances.
ББК 63.3 (2) 512-3ю11
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