"Professor with a peak," or Three lives of the historian MN Pokrovsky

  Chernobaev, Anatoly Alexandrovich      
"Professor with a peak," or Three lives of the historian MN Pokrovsky / AA Chernobaev. - M.: Lit, 1992. - 234, [1] p. ; 20. - Bibliograf. in the note: p. 214-229. - Decree. Names: with. 230-234. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-7494-0002-6 .
1. Pokrovsky, Mikhail Nikolayevich
BBC 63.1 (2) 6-8
Copy source: PB
Location on map of originals: RNB
ISBN 5-7494-0002-6
Publisher Лит
Catalogue object

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