900 days

  Salisbury, Harrison      
900 days / Harrison Salisbury; trans. with English. I. Volsky; pref. Ales Adamovich; after. V. Kovalchuk; St. Petersburg branch of REC "Culture". - Moscow: Izd. gr. "Progress": Literature, 1994. - 607, [1] p. - On the add. tit. l. zagl. in English. yaz. - At the beginning of each chapter - verses by Yu. Voronov from the book "The Blockade", Moscow, 1968. - Bibliogr. in the note: p. 604-605 .
1. The blockade of Leningrad - 1941 - 1944.
ББК 63.3 (2-2Ленинград) 622,11
Electronic copy source: PB
The place where the original was stored: ЦВМБ
Publisher Изд. гр. "Прогресс" Литера
Catalogue object

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