Sawmill of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property on the left bank of the Tobol River. eng. Sawmill plant of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property on the left. Art. Tobol. rus |
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich
Liesopil'nyi zavod Ministerstva Zemledieliia i Gosudarstvennykh Imushchestv na liev. st. Tobola [graphic]. - 1912. - 1 negative (3 frames): glass, b \u0026 w, three-tone separation; 24 x 9 cm
1. Sawmill (Tobolsk, town) - 1912 - Photographs. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Rivers. 4. Government facilities. 5. Mills. 6. Color of negatives. 7. Glass negatives. 8. Photos are documentary. |
BBK 65.301-03 (28-8Tob) i61 BBK 85.163 (2)
E-copy source: Library of Congress Original storage: Library of Congress; Prints and Photographs Division