General view of Rostov and the Kremlin from the island

General view of Rostov Velikii and the Kremlin, from the island. eng. General view of Rostov and the Kremlin from the island. rus
  Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich  (1863-1944).    
Obshchii vid na Rostov i Kreml 's ostrova [graphic]. - 1911. - 1 negative (3 frames): glass, b \u0026 w, three-tone of the separation; 24x9 .
1. "The Rostov Kremlin", the State Museum-Reserve (Rostov, Yaroslavl Region) - History - 1911 - Photographs. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Onion domes. 4. Kremlins. 5. Nero, lake (European part of the Russian Federation) - 1911 - Photographs. 6. Color of negatives. 7. Glass negatives. 8. Photos are documentary.
BBK 63.3 (28-8 Yoro-2 Rostov) 533y61
BBK 79.1y61
BBK 26.89 (235.23) y61
BBK 85.163 (2)
E-copy source: Library of Congress
Original storage: Library of Congress; Prints and Photographs Division
Catalogue object