Successive steps in the production of blades, scabbards, and manufacture of welded damask steel at the Zlatoust plant. Types of soldiers' sabers. eng. The sequential course of dressing blades, sheath and the manufacture of welding damask at the Zlatoust factory. Samples of soldiers' drafts. rus |
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich
Posliedovatelnyi khod vydielki klinkov, nozhen i izgotovlenie svarochnago bulata na Zlatoustovskom zavodie. Obraztsy soldatskikh shashek [graphic]. - [1910]. - 1 negative (3 frames): glass, b \u0026 w, three-tone separation; 24x9
1. Zlatoust Metallurgical Plant. Arsenal Museum - History - 1910 - Photographs. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Daggers \u0026 swords. 4. Knives. 5. Steel. 6. Steel industry. 7. Cold steel Russian - 18 - 20 centuries. 8. Color of negatives. 9. Glass negatives. 10. Photos are documentary. |
ББК 65.301-03 (28-8Уфи-2Златоуст) я61 ББК 68.801я61 ББК 85.163 (2)
E-copy source: Library of Congress Original storage: Library of Congress; Prints and Photographs Division