Three generations. A.P. Kalganov with his son and granddaughter. The last two work in the workshops of the Zlatoust factory

Three generations. A.P. Kalganov with son and granddaughter. The last two work in the shops of the Zlatoust plant. eng. Three generations. A.P. Kalganov with his son and granddaughter. The last two work in the workshops of the Zlatoust factory. rus
  Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich  (1863-1944).    
Tri pokolieniia. A.P. Kalganov s synom i vnuchkoi. Dvoe posliednikh rabotaiut v masterskikh Zlatoustovskago zavoda [graphic]. - [1910]. - 1 negative (3 frames): glass, b \u0026 w, three-tone separation; 24x9 .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Factories. 3. Families. 4. Government employees. 5. Masters of the metallurgical industry - History - Zlatoust, city (Chelyabinsk region) - 1910 - Photographs. 6. Group portraits. 7. Portrait photographs. 8. Glass negatives. 9. Color of negatives. 10. Photos are documentary.
BBC 65.03 (28-8Ufi-2Zlatoust) 53n61
BBK 63.3 (28-8Ufi-2Zlatoust) 533-282.1y61
BBK 85.163 (2)
Two men and a woman posed outdoors at the Zlatoust arms plant.
E-copy source: Library of Congress
Original storage: Library of Congress; Prints and Photographs Division
Catalogue object