Adats of the Dagestan and Zagatala Districts

Adats of the Dagestan Oblast and the Zagatala District: Judicial System and Judicial Proceedings in the Parts of the Caucasian Region of the Military-People's Administration / ed. on behalf of Prince. Grigory Sergeevich Golitsyn; Ed. I.Ya. Sandrigailo. - Tiflis: Type. can. chief prince gr. in the Caucasus, 1899. - [4], 622 p. ; 25 centimeters .
BBK 67.3 (28-8Kaa) 53
BBK 67.410 (28-8 Dag) -2
BBK 67.410 (28-8Zal) -2
Copy source: RSL
Location on map of originals: RSL
Publisher Тип. канц. главнонач. гр. ч. на Кавказе
Catalogue object