Author Георгиевский Григорий Петрович Description Georgievsky, Grigory Petrovich (1866-1948). rus Apocryphal "Legend" or literary falsification: [Rec. on the book: Innocent Prudentius. For adults. (The Legend). NS Leskov. № 121. Moscow. 1892] / GP Georgievsky .- Moscow: Rus. review, 1892 .- 16 with. ; 25 centimeters . ББК 83.3 (2Рос = Рус) 1 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher Рус. обозрение Catalogue object История и критика мировой литературы и литературы отдельных стран Collections Russian People → Persons of Russia → Cultural and art workers → L → Leskov Nikolai (1831–1895) → Nikolai Leskov (1831-1895) → On Nikolai Leskov's life and career