The archive of historical and practical information relating to Russia, published by Nikolai Kalachov. 1860-1861, book. 3

  Kalachov, Nikolay Vasilyevich  (1819-1885).    
Archives of historical and practical information relating to Russia, published by Nikolai Kalachov  .- St. Petersburg: In the Type. II-th Deposition of his own EI V. Chancery, 1858-  .- 23 cm
1860-1861, book. 3 .- 1862 .- [404] p. Sec. pag. Part of the text of lat. .
ББК Т3 (2) 4я43
ББК 63.3 (2) я43
Source: RSL
Publisher В Тип. II-го отд-ния собственной Е. И. В. канцелярии