Archive of Raevsky. T. 4. Letters of 1841-1857 years.

Archive of Raevskikh: T. 1-5 / Ed. P.M. Rayevsky; Ed. and note. B.L. Modzalevsky. . - St. Petersburg: type. M.A. Aleksandrova, 1908-1915 . - 24 cm
T. 4: Letters from 1841-1857 - 1912. - XXIII, 726 p. : ill., portraits, maps. - Index: p. 687-725 .
1. Raevskie (rod) - Memoirs, notes, etc. .. 2. The people (kkollektsiya). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. Russia - History - 19th century. - Memoirs, notes, etc. ..
BBC 63.3 (2) 52y14
BBK 63.214 (2)
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher тип. М. А. Александрова
Catalogue object