Baron VB Frederiks - Minister of the Imperial Court and Major-General VN Voeikov - the palace commandant at the residence of Nic...

Baron VB Frederiks - Minister of the Imperial Court and Major-General VN Voyeikov - palace commandant at the residence of Nicholas II [Izomaterial]: [photo]. - 1914. - Contact seal from a glass photoplate, black and white; 18x24 cm. - Russian State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents.
1. Frederiks, Vladimir Borisovich (1838 - 1927) - Portraits. 2. Voeikov, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1868 - 1947) - Portraits. 3. Power (collection). 4. Group portrait photos.
ББК 63.3 (2) 53-8я611
Source of electronic copy: RGAKFD
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