Author Михеев Иван Степанович Description Mikheev, Ivan Stepanovich (1876-). rus Are the Buddhists a vojatki ?: [About the book of priests. N. Blinov "Pagan cult of the Votyaks". Vyatka, 1898] / IS Mikheev .- Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1901 .- [2], 20 seconds. ; 25 centimeters . BBC 63.521 (= 664) -77 Source: RSL Storage: RSL Publisher типо-лит. Имп. ун-та Catalogue object Этнология современных народов Collections Russian People → Society → Ethnic composition → Ethnic groups → Ethnology of individual nations → UDMURTS Year of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia → Customs, Rituals, Holidays. Traditional Medicine and Cuisine → Religious Customs and Rituals → Pagan Customs and Rituals → Individual Peoples → Udmurts