The regular meeting of the Cooperation Council of National Libraries was held in Moscow

      Council for Cooperation of National Libraries of the Russian Federation. Meeting  (14, Moscow, 2010).
In Moscow, the next meeting of the Cooperation Council of National Libraries was held: [photo essay] / fot. P. A. Kiselev. - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. BN Yeltsin, 2010. - 18 cv. Photos. .
1. The Council of Cooperation of National Libraries of the Russian Federation. Meeting (14, Moscow, city, 2010) - Photos.
ББК 78.34 (2) я611я045
On December 9, 2010, the 14th meeting of the Cooperation Council of National Libraries of the Russian Federation was held at the Russian State Library in Moscow: the Russian National Library, the Russian State Library and the Boris BN Presidential Library. Yeltsin. At the Plenary session, a consolidated report on the work was presented during the year. The thematic working groups of the Council discussed the normative and legal support for the activities of libraries, interaction in the field of international activities, interaction in the field of cataloging and creating bibliographic resources, information and library services, the formation and exchange of information resources, the acquisition of national library funds and other relevant issues. A protocol drawn up following a meeting of the Cooperation Council will be presented on the websites of three national libraries.
Source of electronic copy: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека им. Б. Н. Ельцина
Catalogue object
из 18