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The Presidential Library hosted a round table of specialists of Russian university libraries: [photo essay] / phot. A. M. Melentiev; The president. b-ka im. B. N. Yeltsin. - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011. - 9 bl. Photos.
1. "Library of the university: scientific and educational and information activities," an interregional seminar for managers and specialists of Russian university libraries (St. Petersburg, city, 2011) - Photographs. 2. Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg, city) - Cooperation - Libraries of educational institutions - Photographs. 3. Libraries of educational institutions - Cooperation - National libraries - Russian Federation - Photographs. |
ББК 78.34 (2) я611я045
On March 31, 2011, the Presidential Library named after Boris N. Yeltsin hosted a round table of participants of the interregional seminar for managers and specialists of Russian university libraries "Library of the University: Research and Education and Information Activities." The meeting discussed various aspects of the activities of libraries in the context of the active development of the digital environment and information technologies. Her experience was told about the experience of the Presidential Library. They characterized the methodological approaches used in the formation of the national electronic resource of the Presidential Library, and the features of the linguistic support of its electronic catalog. An excursion was organized for the guests, during which the participants of the Round Table demonstrated various opportunities for users when working with the resources of the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library. |
Source of electronic copy: PB