The Great Siberian Highway: the Consequences of Railway Construction in the Southern Urals (1891-1914)

Timofeev, Alexander Anatolievich (candidate of historical sciences, 1962-).    
The Great Siberian Railway: The Consequences of Railway Construction in the Southern Urals (1891-1914): monograph / A. A. Timofeev; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, South Ural State University. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing Center of SUSU, 2011. - 142, [1] pp., [4] f. yl., color. yl. : ill., maps. ; 21 cm. -
List of references: p. 89-98, p. 104-117 and in the footnotes.
. - 100 copies. - ISBN 978-5-696-04196-4 .
1. East-Siberian Railway - History. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. West-Siberian Railway (collection). 5. Ural South - Social and economic situation - 1891-1914.
ББК 39.20г
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ISBN 978-5-696-04196-4
Publisher Издательский центр ЮУрГУ
Catalogue object