Author Афанасьев В. Description Afanasyev , AT. The probable path of Prince Igor Seversky to Polovtsy in 1185: A critical study of the campaign on the chronicles and the "Lay of Igor's Regiment." - M.: B. and., 1939. - P. 45-56 . 1. Power (collection). 2. Igor Seversky campaign - 1185. BBC 63.3 (2) 411-68 E-copy source: PB Location on the original: ГПИБ Publisher б. и. Catalogue object Русь (Киевская Русь) в IX Collections At the Origins of the Russian Statehood → The Old Russian state → International relationships Russian People → Persons of Russia → Statesmen and political figures → Public and political figures of the IX - the first half of the XVI century → Igor Svyatoslavich (1150–1202) State Authority → Personalities of heads of state and statesmen → Statesmen and political figures of the 9th – first half of the 16th cc. → Igor Svyatoslavich (1150-1202)