Description |
Vitebsk-Vitebsk. № 8. Gogolevskaya street, church and cathedral [Izomaterial]: species photography. - Moscow: Izd. Counterparties of AS Suvorin and Co: Phototype of Scherer, Nabgolts and Co., 1912. - Lighting (phototypes), ch.-b. ; 9x14 cm. - Postcard. - Horizontal image
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. ARCHITECTURE. 3. Belorussian. 4. Cities. 5. Cathedrals. 6. The church. 7. 1912. 8. 20 in the beginning. 9. Belarus. 10. Garads. 11. The Sabers. 12. Cassiols. 13. 20st patch. 14. Vitebsk, the city. 15. Viciebsk, the city. 16. Vitebsk, the city (Belarus) - beg. 20 cent. -- Photo. 17. Gogol Street (Vitebsk, city, Belarus) - beginning. 20 cent. -- Photo. 18. ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY. 19. CULTURAL ARCHITECTURE. 20. Photos are documentary. |
1. The cult. 2. The street. 3. The church. 4. Cathedral. 5. Buildings. 6. Phototype. 7. Postcard |
ББК 63.3 (4Беи-2Витебск) 533я61 ББК 85.163 (4Беи)
Source of electronic copy: National Library of Belarus Location on the book: National Library of Belarus