Vladymyrsky Cathedral

Владимірскій Собор [Izomaterial] = Sobor Wladimir: species photography. - Stockholm: Shareholder. Granberg Island, [the beginning. XX century.]. - Phototype; 12x18; 8,7x13,6. - General view of the cathedral from the side of Bibikovsky Boulevard (today - Taras Shevchenko boulevard). In the foreground is an electric pole, but still without wires. - Nested in the folder with zagl. "Кіев - Кіеv" with 23 other species photos. - The image is horizontal. - The laying of the temple took place on July 15, 1862, the day of the commemoration of the memory of St. Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles. The cathedral was erected for 20 years. Built in the Russian-Byzantine style by the architects I. Shtrom and P. Sparro, later it was modified by the architect A. Beretti of Kiev. Architects R. Bernhardt, K. Majewski and V. Nikolaev also took part in the construction. Works on the design of the cathedral were conducted under the direction of the professor of St. Petersburg University A. Prahov. In the painting participated: V. Vasnetsov, M. Nesterov, M. Vrubel, V. Zamirailo, N. Pimonenko, S. Kostenko, P. Svedomsky, V. Kotarbinsky. Cathedral survived .
1. Vladimir Cathedral (Kiev) - beginning. 20 cent. -- Photo. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Kiev - the beginning. 20 cent. - Species photo. 4. Photos are documentary.
1. Cathedral. 2. city. 3. phototype
ББК 86.372 (4Укр-2Киев) 53я61
ББК 85.163 (4Укр)
Source of electronic copy: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine
Location of original material: National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine
Publisher Акционер. О-во Гранберга
Catalogue object